Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

It seems that my daily route is starting to get busier as the days go on. With work, school and family I am finding my Etsy shop being ignored and thus my blog too. I am going to really try and get up with everything.

I feel that it is very important to support the artisan community and I will try to highlight at least three artist a week. I also want to start addressing any questions people might have concerning Etsy or using a cricut machine. I will do my best to answer them and I hope that others will chime in.

I know I am a new blogger who has few followers, with that said anyone is welcome to follow and comment on this blog.

Enough with the babble today here is todays features artist: Clutterbags

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring my clutch on your blog!
